Braised beef short rib recipe by chef Adam Gray | The Ethical Butcher

Braised beef short rib recipe by chef Adam Gray | The Ethical Butcher

Short rib is one the most flavourful cuts and this simple, classic recipe from chef Adam Gray does it justice.

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Braised short ribs

(Serves 4-5)


5 single short ribs

4 onions – peeled and cut in half

5 carrots – peeled and cut in half widthways 

1 bulb of garlic – cut in half 

½ bunch of fresh thyme

2 litres beef or chicken stock

Splash of soya sauce

Splash of Worcestershire sauce

100ml British rapeseed oil


Freshly milled pepper


Heat a large ovenproof saucepan to a medium heat on the stove and add the rapeseed oil.

Add the short ribs to the saucepan and colour evenly to a golden brown colour on each side.

Remove the short ribs from the saucepan and add the onions, carrots, garlic and thyme.

Lightly colour the vegetables to a golden brown colour and then return the short ribs to the saucepan.

Cover the short ribs and vegetables with the beef stock, add a splash of soya sauce and Worcestershire sauce, and bring to the boil.

Once the sauce has boiled, place the lid on and transfer to a preheated oven at 160ºC.

Cook for 4-5 hours until the short ribs are tender and coming away from the bone.

Remove the short ribs from the sauce with a slotted spoon and drain the cooking liquor through a fine sieve. 

Discard the cooked vegetables.

Return the drained cooking liquor to the saucepan and bring to the boil.
Simmer gently until the liquor has reduced to a thicker consistency and now return the cooked short ribs.

Check the seasoning and add salt and pepper if needed.

Roll the short ribs around in the sauce so they are completely glazed and serve.